Dr. Min Zhang is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science & Technology (DCST), Tsinghua University. She specializes in information retrieval and recommendation, Web user behavior analysis and machine learning. Currently she is also the vice director of State Key Lab. of Intelligent Technology and Systems (central lab), and the executive director of Tsinghua University-Microsoft Research Asia Joint Research Lab on Media and Search. She received her Bachelor and PhD degrees from DCST at Tsinghua University in 1999 and 2003, respectively. During the past years, she has visited DFKI Germany, City University of HongKong, Kyoto University, and MSRA as visiting researcher. She also serves as associate editor for the top journal TOIS, Program Chair of WSDM 2017 and AIRS 2016, and area chairs, senior PC members at or PC members of SIGIR, WWW, WSDM, KDD, ACL, CIKM, AIRS etc. She has published multiple papers on important international journals and conferences, such as JIR, SIGIR, WWW, WSDM, CIKM, etc. 11 patents were authorized. She has participated in TREC (Text REtrieval Conference) organized by NIST, US as the team leader. Her team has continuously achieved multiple top performances during 10 years. Dr. Zhang also contributed in INTENT tasks in NTCIR evaluation as task co-organizer from 2011 to 2015. She won 2016 Beijing Science and Technology Award (First Class).