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Kai Yu

CEO & Founder Horizon Robotics. Inc.

Dr. Kai YU is the founder & CEO of Horizon Robotics Inc., a startup dedicated to developing artificial intelligent (AI) chips and software platforms for autonomous driving and smart home. He is an internationally recognized leader in deep learning. He led the R&D of AI at Baidu from April 2012 to June 2015. He founded Baidu IDL (Institute of Deep Learning), the very first and most renowned AI lab in China industry. His team developed cutting-edge technologies to transform voice search, computer vision, online advertising and web search, and unprecedentedly won the Baidu Highest Achievement Award for 3 times.  In 2013, Dr. Yu launched the first autonomous driving project in China, which later became the Baidu autonomous driving BU (business unit).  Dr. Yu is elected to China “Top 1000 Talents”, a prestigious group of innovation leaders of the country. He has published around 60 papers with more than 13000 citations. In 2011 as an adjunct faculty, he taught a class “CS121: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" at the Computer Sciences Dept. of Stanford University. He has received many awards, including the Best Paper Runner-up Award of ICML-2013, the First Place of PASCAL VOC 2009,and the First Place of ImageNet Challenge 2010. Before joining Baidu, he worked at Microsoft, Siemens, NEC. He received his B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in E&E from Nanjing University, China, and a doctorate degree in Computer Science from University of Munich, Germany. 

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